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The Problem with Problems

Why they persist for months or years.

happen all the time, in their thousands per minute.
are unwanted events or missing desired events.
are persistent incidents that you have difficulty fixing.

A persistent problem is one where at least one attempt at resolution has been made. While the problem has been the subject of multiple discussions, it continues however to persist, presenting a significant challenge.

The problem has been carefully reviewed by subject specialists, yet the underlying dynamics of the issue have remained elusive. It could even be that diagnostics seem contradictory.


This two-day workshop will examine the nature of persistent problems and provide an overview of resolution approaches. Our in-person workshops are perfect for people who enjoy learning in a small group setting. It is intended that the group size will be limited to about four people.
chick looking direct into camera
What kind of business?
Any business: from solopreneur upwards.
Who is it for?
Solo Entrepreneurs
SME Company Directors
Senior Managers
C-1 Management protégés
Management KTP Associates
Why attend?
Know what can go wrong with incident analysis.
Obtain an understanding of the frameworks that can assist in identifying the true root causes of persistent problems.
Business benefits
Improve problem-solving skills.
Spend less time trying to fix persistent problems and more time on enhancements and new features.
Topics Covered
  1. Introduction to the event-incident-problem hierarchy.
     - Comparing the early history of the influenza vaccine to a Service Desk performance improvement.
  2. Identifying why 'bad events' do not reach the Incident Management phase.
     - extending the traditional event-incident-problem hierarchy.
  3. Introduction to the Cynefin model
     - five types of problem.
     - The "Keep It Simple, Stupid" (KISS) fallacy
  4. Reasons why persistent problems do not get resolved.
     - Why traditional Root Cause Analysis (RCA) fails with not-simple problems
     - The decisions you don't know you're making trap.
     - Creating a culture for reporting incidents.
  5. The four roles needed in a problem-solving team.
     - Why an outsider, without specialist subject matter knowledge, is useful.
  6. How to interpret contradictory diagnostics
Key Take-Aways
Avoid the "Keep It Simple, Stupid" (KISS) fallacy
Recognise the "Adverse Events" gap
When is a problem not a problem? When it's …
There will be exercises during the day plus an overnight 'homework'.
Bordon BASE, Barbados Road, Bordon, Hampshire, GU35 0FX.
This is not a 'hybrid' event: there will be no remote attendance.
Spring 2024
Dates to be confirmed: a consecutive Wednesday & Thursday
£1,700 for the two days
Includes refreshments and midday meal.

Students: Sponsored students, being booked a place by their college or university, may be eligible for a full 100% fee waiver.
Bursaries: Students may also be eligible for a travel and accommodation bursary from their sponsor.
Micro-Businesses: A discount of 50% is available to micro-businesses.

Dress code
Business casual.
We can tailor any of our workshops to meet your unique requirements and deliver them "in-house" to your team on a date that suits you. Opting for our in-house training will also provide significant savings:
  • time away due to travelling to and from a remote venue
  • travel and accommodation costs
  • with four attendees, discount equivalent to one free place

Next Steps
  • One-on-one mentoring
  • In-House Training or Workshop
  • Consultancy: Reviewing a persistent problem that you have difficulty finding a resolution for.
  • Workshop: Cynefin model

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